Our Open Day is on 28th February 2025.
- Application forms for 2026 can be collected from the School Office at 45 Westville Road, Westville between the hours of 07:15 hrs and 14:30 hrs Monday to Friday from the 28th February 2025.
- Application forms are only available in hardcopy form. No online forms are available.
- Applications are only accepted when they are completed in full, are signed and are handed in by a parent/legal guardian during office hours at the school office. No faxes or emails will be recognised.
Certified Copies of documents to be submitted with the application:
- One recent ID size photograph in colour of the Learner.
- An official Birth Certificate of the Learner.
- Learner immunisation Card – Parents must also show proof that the learner has been immunized against the following communicable diseases: Polio, Measles, Tuberculosis, Diphtheria, Tetanus and Hepatitis B.
- Parents’ Identity Documents.
- Current Original Utility Account or Municipal Rates Account. Documents in the name of the Parent or Legal Guardian not older than the last three months only will be accepted.
- In the case of rented property, a certified copy of the lease is required.
- The learner’s latest school report.
- In the case of a learner moving schools a transfer card must be brought to school on the first day.
- Foreign learners: Temporary or permanent proof of residence issued by the Department of Home Affairs, as well as evidence that the learner has permission to reside in South Africa.
- School fee clearance (attached to application form) from previous school.
School Fees for 2025 (per annum)
Grade R – R39 500 Grades 1 to 3 – R35 500 Remedial – R45 500
Please note that school fees for 2026 will only be decided later in 2025.