Welcome to
Westville Junior Primary School
Westville Junior Primary opened in 1960. This is a school for girls and boys from Grade R to Grade 3 and has been served through the years by a dedicated staff.
Selecting the right school for your child is a very important decision. At Westville Junior Primary School we take great pride in providing a rich and rewarding experience for our learners. Children benefit enormously from the positive, professional and happy environment which we create for them to learn and reach their full potential.
We adopt a holistic approach in which we emphasise a balance between the intellectual, physical, social and emotional development of each learner. WJPS encourages learners to maintain a balance between Academics, Sports, and Culture. We promote the development of self-worth, mutual respect and pride in the school, and we stress the importance of appropriate and orderly behaviour.
Our Code of Conduct is designed to ensure that our school provides a carefully-structured, supportive and disciplined learning and teaching environment where learners, staff and parents are considerate and respectful of others.
Respect for beliefs of all religions and cultures is encouraged.
The tree on our badge is significant. It symbolises the importance of strong roots which provide security and a solid foundation, and strong branches which reach upward and outward with confidence into the wider world.
Our Open Day is on 28th February 2025.